Bonnefant Urban cliff as missing link

The Bonnefant site is located in the exciting transition zone between the commercial centre and the cultural centre of the city of Hasselt.
Beyond the reflex of recuperating the existing building at the Paardsdemerstraat and the ensuing sustainable attitude, the generous dimensions provide a permit for a different way of living and working. The large openings in the facade create a favourable structure for the realisation of both inner and outer spaces and give the facade more depth and liveliness in the street. The high stories - almost 4 metres - provide space for student rooms with mezzanines, extra high loft apartments and studios. The roof plate of the existing building is lowered and thus offers space for duplex sky houses. Throughout the project, this search for programmatic links is continued. The functional mix of accommodation for students, families, senior citizens, et cetera, reflects the complexity of the city and stimulates interwoven living. Students who provide community services, for example, get discounts on their rents. A hybrid project with an explicit social dimension.