a2o to participate in the international participatory design conference.

Participatory Design is a diverse collection of principles and practices aimed at making technologies, tools, and social institutions more responsive to human needs.

A central theme of Participatory Design is the direct involvement of people in the design of things, spaces and technologies they use.

As the shaping of our spaces and cities has a vast and definitive impact on the way we live, work, recreate and behave, we consider our environments as ‘commons’. a2o is therefore convinced that the act of designing, changing and constructing our environment should be an open and co-productive process which transcends the constraints of private property or individual interests and is of value to all citizens. During an interactive discussion sessions on 'Democracy in practice' we will share some of our visions and projects in which we seek to create added value by engaging and involving the many private, political and civic stakeholders involved in shaping our environments.


Wednesday 22/08/2018 - 16h30-18h00 at Z33, Hasselt


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